
Genshin Impact Dice Collection

Created by Brother Ming Games

A different gemstone dice set for every element

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last call to update your shipping address!
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 10:13:27 AM

Production is completing next month!

Click for Twitter Post instead of Gif

The full color dice box for the twins rainbow dice set came out absolutely wonderful! If you'd like to update your pledge to include the special rainbow dice set or add this dice box by itself, you can still update your pledge on backer kit now! If you need help accessing your pledge and cannot find your pledge manager invite email, please feel free to message me here on Kickstarter or email me at [email protected]

Pledge Manager Will Close Soon!

We are slightly ahead of schedule, and I now expect to receive the dice by the end of May. Therefore, the pledge manager will be closing on May 1st. If you moved or wish to make edits to your pledge, you MUST make those changes by May 1st. As a reminder, your credit card for the pledge manager has not yet been charged (shipping fees plus any extra add ons you added in the pledge manager). When the pledge manager is locked, that is when we will charge your card.

Production is still underway!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 02:22:37 PM

Just a quick monthly update to let everyone know that production is still underway!

There isn't any update from my production partner yet as they have been and still are on holiday for Chinese New Years. However, they've given me a confident estimate that I should receive my production order by the end of June this year.

Without much else to say, here's a plug for Genshin Tarot, an entire Genshin Impact board game designed aesthetically around a functional deck of tarot cards with original fan art from over 50 illustrators!

Special twins dice box finalized! Production begun!
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 11:51:36 AM

Twins Box Design Finalized!

The special twins dice box will be a full color printed box on white pleather. If you've never seen a full color printed pleather box, consider checking out these wonderful deck boxes from Manamoon, one of my favorite tabletop accessories brands~

The inside of the box will feature Paimon as well~ You can add this box to your pledge in the pledge manager via the pledge manager, or you can change your base pledge to special twins mix and match pledge via instructions in the last Kickstarter update post.

If you want to edit the add-ons you selected with Kickstarter, unfortunately backerkit has those locked by default and I have no means of unlocking them. You will need to reach out to backerkit support directly in order to have them unlock your add ons.

Additionally, an add on has been created that is NOT a mix and match option for 10$ cheaper than the mix and match option. Mix and Match is also not available for late pledge backers, it is a Kickstarter exclusive.

The production order has been paid for!

The money has been sent off and production will begin soon! Unfortunately, due to the large volume of this order compared to what I originally discussed with my manufacturer, the timeline for production will actually be much longer than what I originally estimated.

Previously, I was expecting to only order around 200-300 dice sets, but now we're ordering more than triple that! So instead of only taking 2 months, it will take at least 5 months. This means that instead of a March or April delivery date, I expect delivery to begin around June or July.

Shipping Address Surveys on the way!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 02:48:42 PM

Pledge manager surveys going out this week!

5% of surveys have been sent out as a smoke test. If no red flags appear, all surveys will be sent out either tomorrow or thursday. Please keep an eye on your email inbox for an invite to the backerkit pledge manager. Through this survey, you will fill out your shipping address, confirm your dice set selections, customize your add ons, and pay for shipping.

If you are paying via credit card, your credit card will not be charged until the survey is locked and shipping begins. This is in case you need to update your shipping address and the cost of shipping changes.

Stretch Goal Dice Designs

The 3 stretch goal dice designs have been prototyped! No professional sexy photos for now, so hopefully my iPhone photos will be good enough for ya'll. Please note that for the Alhaitham dice, the D4 is not the correct dagger shard shape, that's an error from the manufacturer, the final dice set's D4 will be in the dagger shard shape.

Special Full Color Dice Box

In addition to the 10 black faux leather with silver foil design dice boxes, we are creating a full color dice box as well featuring the twins printed on all 4 sides of the box with Paimon on the inside flap!

The art is still WIP, but I will share the final design with you as soon as I have it! Unfortunately, since this dice box will cost quite a bit more to manufacturer, it will be 12$ more expensive than the standard mix and match dice set. If you backed the mix and match dice set as your reward tier and you want to select this special dice box instead of one of the 10 standard black dice boxes, you will need to change your pledge level like so:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or kickstarter. My email is [email protected].

KS Concluded! What to expect next!
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 04:59:51 AM

Thank you all for your support!!!

This campaign ended with so much more success than I ever imagined! Seriously, I never expected us to actually obtain all of the stretch goals, so I didn't even know what to add as additional stretch goals!

I will 100% pour lots of effort into making the deck of D&D 5e Genshin magic items a very cool set of cards that you'll want to hand over to your DM the moment you sit down at your next session~

What's next?

With 3 more designs unlocked, I will need some extra time to prototype their materials and take pictures of the finalized production samples. Additionally, Kao will need some time to illustrate all 3 character box cover designs and also illustrate our "special" twins cover, which will be a full color box cover that will be printed on all 4 sides of the box, not just the top!

In the best case scenario, with no revisions needed during the prototyping process, we should have photos of the 3 new dice sets and the illustrations of the dice boxes by the end of January. Once we have these, we'll open the pledge manager immediately. I don't want to open the pledge manager before the 3 new designs have pictures because it can be hard to make an informed decision with what set you want to pick without pictures.

Thank you all again so so soooo much, and I can't wait to make these dice into a reality for you all!

- Ming